The HMW’s created in the Expert Interview helped the E&V Smart Money team understand and identify the problem space then prioritize the biggest challenges that the product will need to overcome.
The Map helps the product team identify a target for the prototype to focus on. These are usually focused around where most of the HMW’s are clustered.
The E&V Smart Money team used the insight generated to collect thoughts, and started to sketch ideas on paper.
After producing solutions sketches, the team from E&V Smart money voted to select a 3 Part Concept and began drawing the storyboard.
This led to the creation of a prototype, which allowed us to test the concept. Valuable feedback was gathered from five users allowing E&V Smart Money to take the product forward.
“The Sprint enabled us to be more aligned with each other, and to define more of the core fundamentals of our product offering. Be The Leap. also helped us post Sprint with recommendations for how to interpret the data so we could launch the most effective version of that website possible.”
Philipp Schemel
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